| | N/A | usarmy.bahrain.595-trans-bde.mbx.occaswa-qa@army.mil | Ocean/Barge | BDE Quality Assurance (QA) Offices for COR related issues (e.g. Performance, CPP (Credit), DRAP (Delay), & IPP (Invoice) concerns). |
| | N/A | usarmy.jblm.596-trans-bde.mbx.occa-quality-assurance@army.mil | Ocean/Barge | BDE Quality Assurance (QA) Offices for COR related issues (e.g. Performance, CPP (Credit), DRAP (Delay), & IPP (Invoice) concerns). |
| | N/A | usarmy.jble.597-trans-bde.mbx.north-south-occa-quality- assurance@army.mil | Ocean/Barge | BDE Quality Assurance (QA) Offices for COR related issues (e.g. Performance, CPP (Credit), DRAP (Delay), & IPP (Invoice) concerns). |
| | N/A | usarmy.sembach.598-trans-bde.mbx.quality-assurance@army.mil | Ocean/Barge | BDE Quality Assurance (QA) Offices for COR related issues (e.g. Performance, CPP (Credit), DRAP (Delay), & IPP (Invoice) concerns). |
| | N/A | usarmy.wheeler.sddc.mbx.599-tb-pacom-occa-pac@army.mil | Ocean/Barge | BDE Quality Assurance (QA) Offices for COR related issues (e.g. Performance, CPP (Credit), DRAP (Delay), & IPP (Invoice) concerns). |
| | 618-2320-4262 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.g6-src-g3ops-hd@army.mil | Motor, Rail, Pipeline | For new Motor/Rail/Pipleline customers, use this email to reach our transportation professionals who can assist you with doing business with the SDDC |
| | 618-2320-6507 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.g3-sealift-contract-mgmt-branch@army.mil | Ocean/Barge | For new Ocean/Barge/Water Mode customers, use this email to reach our transportation professionals who can assist you with doing business with the SDDC |
| | 618-220-6912 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.oto-issues@army.mil | Ocean/Barge | Use to submit a One-Time-Only rate request to the Booking Management Oversight (BMO) Team, when no rates are available in existing contracts to support the mission |
| | 618-220-6912 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.g3-booking-management-office@army.mil | Ocean/Barge | Use for general Booking Management Oversight (BMO) questions |
| | 520-944-6908/6893; 520-718-6664 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.cost-questions@army.mil | Motor, Rail | Use for assistance Cost Dispute Resolution Program for Domestic Tender Movements |
| | 618-220-5060/770 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.dtts@army.mil | Motor, Rail | Use for assistance with, or questions about, DTTS |
| | 1-800-826-0794 | | Motor, Rail | Use for assistance with, or questions about, DTTS |
| | 618-220-4513 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.negotiations-team@army.mil | Motor, Rail, Ocean/Barge | Use for assistance with the DD Form 1085, DFRRO, TR-12 or TSP |
| | 618-220-5026 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.doc-branch-team-1@army.mil | Ocean/Barge | Document Management Oversight contact for: AALV, AKMR, APLS, LGLT, SUDU, SYLF, TALS, TMGT, TOTE |
| | 618-220-5026 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.doc-branch-team-2@army.mil | Ocean/Barge | Document Management Oversight contact for: AALV, AKMR, APLS, LGLT, SUDU, SYLF, TALS, TMGT, TOTE |
| | 618-220-5026 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.doc-branch-team-3@army.mil | Ocean/Barge | Document Management Oversight contact for: AROF, CAMN, CEGL, CMSW, CPRC, HLUS, MATS, NSHA, SQMS, USCE |
| | 520-944-7048/6912 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.go-carriers@army.mil | Motor, Rail, Ocean/Barge | Use to contact the SDDC Cargo Recovery Effort (GOCARE) Team to expedite processing of astray freight. |
| | 520-944-7053 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.carrier-performance@army.mil | Motor, Rail | Use to send in carrier violations (missed pick ups, deliveries, being late etc.) for review |
| | 520-944-6908/6893; 520-718-6664; & 520-944-6936/6799/6873 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.g3-domestic-freight-services-branch@army.mil | Motor, Rail | Use for assistance with the Bill of Lading (BLOC) request or for general Motor, Rail, Domestic Barge and Pipeline questions |
| | 1-800-462-2176 Opt 4 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.g6-src-g3ops-hd@army.mil | Motor, Rail | |
| | 877-962-3365 or DSN 430-6122 | | | |
| | 520-944-6896/6905 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.carrier-registrations@army.mil | Motor, Rail, Ocean/Barge, Air | Used to contact the FCRP team for any domestic commercial carrier that wants to haul freight for the Gov |
| | 1-800-462-2176, Opt 3 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.gfm-team@army.mil | | |
| | 520-944-6982 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.g3-domestic-mfturp@army.mil | Motor, Rail, Ocean/Barge, Pipeline, Air | Use to send in the completed comment matrix, for assistance with the MFTURP Adjudication process, for questions or comments regarding the MFTURP-1 or to request a copy of a previous version of the MFTURP |
| | 520-944-6835/6647 | | | |
| | 1-800-863-9502, 618-220-5830 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.ig-hotline@army.mil | | Hot Line (dial toll free using out 1-800 number or commercial) |
| | 618-220-6284 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.public-affairs@army.mil | | |
| | 520-944-7037/6647 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.g33-advisory-team@army.mil | Motor, Rail, Ocean/Barge, Air | Use to contact SDDC for Motor, Rail, Ocean/Barge and Pipelne Advisories |
| | 520-944-6881 | | | |
| | 1-520-706-8639 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.g3-sealift-contract-mgmt-branch@army.mil | Ocean/Barge | Hours of operations 0600-1530CST, Mon-Fri. Use to contact Sealift Contract Management Oversight (CMO) Office at HQ for CPP (Credit), DRAP (Delay), & IPP (Invoice) concerns, as well as Scorecard escalations. |
| | 520- 944-6931 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.hq-loss-damage-reporting@army.mil | | Use to contact the TDR Team for filing of claims against TSP's for Government reimbursement of cargo transiting within the Defense Transportation System (DTS) |
| | 618-220-5323 | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.g6-src-tfmsm-hd@army.mil | | Transportation Financial Management System (TFMS) Customer Service Team |
| | | usarmy.scott.sddc.mbx.web-master@army.mil | | Use to provide feedback, input or suggestions for this website to our team |