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Contacts: Motor
Defense Transportation Regulation (DTR)
DoD Installation Access Guide
DOT 2024 Emergency Response Guidebook
Government-wide Transportation Policy Council (GTPC) Freight COP
Motor Plan 7B Example
NDTA General Session Keynotes/Roundtables
Register for Training via the next DoD Shipper Session (Secured)
Request a copy of the most recent DoD Shipper Session: New Shippers Only
SCA Compliance Guide
SCA Regions
Shipment Planning Checklist For Motor and Rail Shipments
TSP Location List
TSP Quick Reference Guide
TSP Worksheet
Unofficial Guide NROs - Updated 3-24
USDOT Emergency Response Guide
Wage Determination 2011-0217 - Revision 31 (as of 26 Jul 23) - redacted

Cost Dispute Resolution Program for Domestic Tender Movements

​This program provides DoD shippers or carriers with recommendations when disputes arise regarding domestic surface freight of DoD property. Our goal is to provide both parties with the information needed to resolve any disputes as quickly through a comprehensive review of the shipment and applicable policies. Recommendations do not represent any form of binding arbitration.

Customers may send a request for a review and recommendation to the Cost Questions Team.

To expedite service, please provide as much information as possible. This may include (but not limited to): GFM Shipment Identification Number (if available), Bills of Lading, Route Order #s, POC Name, Phone Number (both shipper and carrier), and any pertinent emails, communications, or remarks that would clarify the costing issue.
Installation Access Issue Reporting Form PDF Fillable Form
SDDC Form 364-R (Aug 2022)
TEA MI-20 Tiedown Instructions for Truck Movements (CAC and DISA DoD365-J Guest Account Required)
TEA Publications (CAC and DISA DoD365-J Guest Account Required)
TEA Registration for a DISA DoD365-J Guest Account to Access TEA Publications (Secured)
TR-12 Policy Fuel Related Rate Adjustment (FRA)

​​Transportation Discrepancy Reports (TDRs) document loss or damage to Government material to support the filing of claims against Transportation Service Providers (TSP) for Government reimbursement of cargo transiting within the Defense Transportation System (DTS). TDRs may also be used to include Foreign Military Sales (FMS) or other Security Cooperation Program shipments to support the filing of claims against TSP’s for reimbursement to the foreign customer.  To file a claim or for more information email the Transportation Discrepancy Report (TDR) Team.

Customer & Carrier Advisories

All Motor Advisories
Click here to register to receive Advisory Notices (Secured)
Use the Customer/Carrier Advisory Format Template and email it to the SDDC Advisories Team for approval and posting.
Master List of Advisories (All Modes)

Weekly Cyber Reviews

Defense Transportation Tracking System (DTTS)
Domestic Freight Routing Request and Order (DFRRO) (Secured)
Electronic Transportation Acquisition (ETA) TEAMS (Secured)
Freight Carrier Registration Program (FCRP)
Global Freight Management (GFM)
Government Cargo Recovery (GOCARE) Program
Integrated Computerized Deployment System (ICODES)
MFTURP Adjudication Program
Transportation Engineering Agency (TEA)
USTRANSCOM Reference Data Management (TRDM) (Secured)

Domestic Freight Routing Request

 • Use this filllable DD Form 1085
 • DD Form 1085—Sample

Email the completed DD Form 1085 to the DMO Special Requirements Team, you may also use this email for assistance with the form or the request process.

Bill of Lading Office Code (BLOC)

HQ, SDDC is the sole authority for creating, issuing, deactivating and reactivating of BLOC's
  • BLOC: issued to transportation offices (TOs) authorized by their Service/Agency HQ to issue Bills of Lading (BLs).
  • A BLOC will be issued to TOs required to establish a Third Party Payment System (TPPS) account for payment of Small Package Express (SPE) and other shipments.
  • The generic BLOC "TDRX" will be issued to those requiring access to GFM-ETA Discrepancy Identification System (DIS) for preparation of TDRs and access to the Transportation Facilities Guide (TFG) that do not have authorized access by their respective Service/Agency Headquarters to issue BLs.
  • SDDC will assist DoD Activities with requests for amendments, updates and general BLOC information.
To process an activities BLOC request, start here (Secured).

If you need assistance, please email the Freight Management Team.