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Contacts: Pipeline
Defense Logistics Agency-Energy (DLA-E)
NDTA General Session Keynotes/Roundtables
USDOT Emergency Response Guide
IA Installation Survey PDF Fillable Form_v4

Transportation Discrepancy Reports (TDRs)

​​Transportation Discrepancy Reports (TDRs) document loss or damage to Government material to support the filing of claims against Transportation Service Providers (TSP) for Government reimbursement of cargo transiting within the Defense Transportation System (DTS). TDRs may also be used to include Foreign Military Sales (FMS) or other Security Cooperation Program shipments to support the filing of claims against TSP’s for reimbursement to the foreign customer.  To file a claim or for more information email the Transportation Discrepancy Report (TDR) Team.

Customer & Carrier Advisories

All Pipeline Advisories
Click here to register to receive Advisory Notices (Secured)
Use the Customer/Carrier Advisory Format Template and email it to the SDDC Advisories Team for approval and posting.
Master List of Advisories (All Modes)

Weekly Cyber Reviews

Electronic Transportation Acquisition (ETA) TEAMS (Secured)
Freight Carrier Registration Program (FCRP)
Global Freight Management (GFM)
MFTURP Adjudication Program
Transportation Engineering Agency (TEA)
USTRANSCOM Reference Data Management (TRDM) (Secured)