Deployability Analysis

 Deployability Analysis

​Deployability is the capability of an entire force (personnel and cargo) to move intra-CONUS (Continental United States), inter-theater (strategically) and intra-theater (tactically) to support a military operation. DPA (Deployability Analysis) supports Combatant Commanders by employing sophisticated modeling and simulation software to assess transportation plans to include throughput capability, the effectiveness of nodes and routes, theater lift assets required and used and potential bottlenecks, constraints and RSO&I. This analysis typically consists of several key elements: transportation feasibility, throughput analysis, force closure profile, and infrastructure assessment. DPA also assists deployment planners in the development and refinement of the Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD) during deliberate planning, crisis action planning and exercises. DPA has dedicated personnel to support each of the major warfighting Combatant Commanders.

Types of Combatant Commander support include:

Adaptive Planning

Adaptive Planning is the planning process for the deployment and employment of apportioned forces and resources that occurs in response to possible situations outlined in the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP). Combatant Commanders are required to develop deliberate plans, Operational Plans (OPLANs) and Concept Plans (CONPLANs), in response to JSCP taskings. DPA supports the Combatant Commander in his development of these plans during OPLAN TPFDD refinement conferences. DPA analysts use the Analysis of Mobility Platform (AMP) software to evaluate the movement of forces and equipment from unit origins to ports of embarkation and Joint Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration (JRSO&I) for force closure times from ports of debarkation to destinations in theater.

Crisis Action Planning

Crisis Action Planning is the time sensitive planning for the deployment, employment, and sustainment of assigned forces and resources that occurs in response to a situation that may result in actual military operations. Combatant Commanders are often engaged in crisis action planning in response to fast moving, real world events. DPA supports the Combatant Commander by providing deployment analysis of Course of Action (COA) development during crisis action planning. Specifically, DPA will analyze the transportation feasibility of the theater portion of a COA.


An exercise is a military maneuver or simulated wartime operation involving planning, preparation and execution carried out for the purpose of evaluating the training conducted to enable the effective execution of their plans. Combatant Commanders implement exercises each year and DPA supports, as required, by providing the transportation feasibility analysis of their plans.


Programmatics studies are focused on improving the global deployability of U.S. Armed Forces by providing the Department of Defense (DOD) with transportation research, and analytical expertise to support the National Military Strategy. As Army's deployment analysis expert, Programmatics conducts analyses which assess DOD mobility requirements and capabilities,including strategic sealift, airlift, road/rail, containers, and infrastructure. Additionally, DPA conducts analyzes for operations, force structure, or potential impacts of future equipment modifications to determine potential impacts to the Army's ability to deploy expeditiously.

Document Link
Logistic Handbook for Strategic Mobility Planning
Deployment Planning Guide 2020
Estimated Sail Times to Various COCOMs
Deployability Report - Optimal Stationing of Army Flatcars to Meet Deployment Requirements

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