Equipment Characteristics Data

 Joint Equipment Characteristics Database

In support of U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM), SDDCTEA uses the JECD (Joint Equipment Characteristics Database) system for recording, managing, distributing, and validating physical dimensional characteristics data of military equipment items in various shipping configurations. The data supports Army and Joint strategic deployment planning, forming the basis for characteristics within the Army portion of the Joint Planning and Execution System (JOPES) Type Unit Characteristics (TUCHA) reference file. It is maintained by SDDCTEA and is used throughout the DOD for movement planning and deployment analysis.  

The JECD contains not only the Army standard equipment characteristic data but also the U.S. Navy (Construction Battalion equipment), U.S. Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and some U.S. Air Force, outsize/overweight items of equipment.  Data elements include equipment nomenclature and transportation characteristics for varying configurations.  Data provided to FORSCOM is used in United States Army Command's Logistics Support Activity's Computerized Optimization Model for Predicting and Analyzing Support Structures (COMPASS) model for deployment equipment validation.  

The JECD is the authoritative source for equipment dimensional data, and is specifically oriented to unit movement transportability/Deployability considerations. It contains dimensional, weight, cube, and airlift certification information for Army Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE) end-items, Navy Table of Allowance (TOA) equipment for the Naval Construction Force (NCF), most major end-items in the SB 700-20 (Army Adopted/Other Items Selected for Authorization/List of Reportable Items), U.S. Coast Guard, Marine Corps and several Air Force items.

Staff, command, and field organizations use the data for standard reference in developing and reporting movement requirements.  JECD data is available on the ETA website (ETA account required).  In addition, a PDF version (TB 55-46-1) is available for download listed below.

Two ways to access The Joint Equipment Characteristics Database:

  • JECD Online - The Application is accessible under the SDDC ETA (Electronic Transportation Acquisition) Application. Click to visit ETA.
    • If you already have an ETA-TEAMS Account, click on "Login"
    • If you do not have an account, click on "Register as a new user"
    • Once logged in, click on "New App Request"
    • Scroll to “ICODES Enterprise", click the plus sign and choose "Next" at the bottom
    • Fill in the User Info Fields and use the drop down to choose the branch of service you are. Then check “Load Planner" for the user role in the program, which will give you access to the JECD and all the other sections within ICODES.  
    • Once you review the info you entered, choose Submit and the Administrators will grant your access.
  • TB 55-46-1 PDF Document - Click to download
    • The most current version of the TB 55-46-1 can be found at the online JECD website under the Data Export tab
    • Updated weekly in excel format


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