Science and Technology

 Science and Technology

The Science and Technology Division explores the concepts and advanced technologies shaping the future of distribution operations. The division serves as a focal point for SDDC and USTRANSCOM’s Science and Technology Programs, which includes the Advanced Concept/Joint Capability Technology Demonstrations (A/JCTDs) and the evaluation of applicable commercial concepts. The division cultivates relationships within the Research and Development (R&D) community, industry, and academia. The division recommends, coordinates, and evaluates appropriate change management proposals and actions.

  • Explore concepts and advanced technologies shaping future deployment and distribution operations.
    • Future Deployment and Distribution Assessment (FDDA)
    • SDDC lead for Army Movement Asset Tracking System (AMATS) expansion using Next Generation Wireless Communications (NGWC) technology
    • JDPAC lead for the Future Vertical Lift (FVL) Executive Steering Group (ESG)
    • Develops inputs to and coordinates the Science and Technology Integrated Priority List (STIPL)
    • AT21 Optimization Storyboards
    • Air Mobility Command's "Global Mission Scheduling" (GMS) R&D USTC Optimization Integration POC


  • SDDC/JDPAC lead to the USTRANSCOM Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Program to include Joint Capability Technology Demonstrations (JCTDs).
    • Consolidate and coordinate SDDC and JDPAC submission and review of USTRANSCOM R&D and JCTD proposals


  • Cultivate relationships with the Research and Development (R&D) communities, industry, and academia.
    • Manage and coordinate USTRANSCOM's partnership with Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)
      • Facilitate AFIT student research projects
    • USTRANSCOM lead for the MIT Lincoln Lab Living Plan project

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