Transportability Analysis Report Generator

Transportability Analysis Report Generator (TARGET)

​TARGET is a Transportation Engineering Agency (TEA) tool used for force deployment planning and analysis. TARGET is one of the primary applications within the Integrated Computerized Deployment System (ICODES). ICODES is a suite of transportation planning and management web applications. TARGET provides TEA analysts the ability to do the following:

What does TARGET do?

  • Merges Tables of Organization and Equipment (TOE) / Modified Tables of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) / JOPES-defined forces data with Joint Equipment Characteristics Database (JECD) data
  • Details unit movement requirements
  • Models loading of organic cargo vehicles, containers, highway/rail assets, aircraft, and ships
  • Analyzes deployability impact of alternative force structure, changes in Defense Transportation System (DTS), and future weapons systems at LIN level of detail

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