Publication | Summary
| Qty | Info |
Handbooks For Military Movements |
MI 55-19 (2015) Hardcopy | Tiedown Instructions for Rail Movements, 7th Edition |
| Note: The PDF version of the 6th edition will still be available for downloading. 55-19 Tiedown Instructions for Rail Movements contains general information, procedures, and figures for the correct tiedown of military equipment on flatcars. It provides users with the proper methods for securing military equipment on chain-equipped flatcars. This publication’s target audience is the rail tiedown group leaders, managers, installation rail people, rail load planners, and materiel developers designing equipment for rail transport. |
PAM 55-20 (2008) Hardcopy | Tiedown Handbook for Truck Movement, 4th Edition. |
| 55-20 Tiedown Handbook for Truck Movements provides users with the proper methods for securing wheeled and tracked vehicles on flatbed semitrailers and military equipment commonly carried on cargo vehicles. It comprises basic information in the form of instruction, diagrams, illustrations, and photographs from Transportability Guidance Technical Manuals and experience gained through participating in many military exercises. The intent of this publication is to give the tiedown patterns and guidance needed to adequately and properly secure cargo to counteract longitudinal (fore and aft), lateral (side to side), and vertical (up and down) forces. It does not cover the transport of hazardous material, military oversize, overweight, or special movements |
PAM 55-21 (2006) Hardcopy | Lifting and Tiedown of US Military Helicopters |
| 55-21 Lifting and Tiedown Handbook for Helicopter Movements provides users with general guidance for the preparation for shipment, lifting, and tiedown of U.S. Army helicopters during transport. It contains basic information from a variety of sources and from experience gained from loadouts and live deployments. The 4th edition includes updated information on lifting the CH-47 with container spreader bars and lifting and tying down the AH-64 with the Main Rotor Blade Fold Kit (MRBFK) and the Mast Mounted Assembly (MMA). |
PAM 55-22 (2005) Hardcopy | Marine Lifting and Lashing Handbook |
| 55-22 Marine Lifting and Lashing Handbook provides users with the proper lifting methods for loading general equipment aboard marine vessels and general procedures for securing military cargo on marine vessels. It includes equipment characteristics on military equipment commonly encountered during stevedore operations. |
PAM 55-23 (2009) Hardcopy | Containerization of Military Vehicles |
| 55-23 Tiedown Handbook for Rail Movements provides information on correct methods of tying down military vehicles in ISO containers (dry boxes) and on ISO platform containers (flatracks). This edition also includes information on proper handling of loaded flatracks/ISO boxes. |
PAM 55-24 (2011) Hardcopy | Vehicle Preparation handbook for Fixed Wing Air Movements |
| 55-24 Vehicle and Equipment Preparation Handbook for Fixed Wing Air Movements provides users with general information on air transport, tiedown procedures, and the proper methods for the preparation of vehicles (wheeled and tracked) and equipment for movement on Air Force fixed wing cargo aircraft (C-130, C-17, & C-5) along with information on the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF). |
Planning And Users' Guides |
PAM 70-1 (2003) Hardcopy | Transportability for Better Deployability | | 70-1 Transportability for Better Deployability is a guide to transportability and is intended to provide an understanding of the Engineering for Transportability program and the various transport modes. It also explains how new or modified equipment can affect force deployability as well as illustrating examples of lessons learned from past deployments and exercises. |
PAM 700-4 (2007) Hardcopy | Vessel Characteristics for Shiploading (under revision) |
| 700-4 Vessel Characteristics for Shiploading is a reference guide of U.S. flagged, dry cargo vessels that are maintained or leased by MSC (LMSRs/FSSs), or in the MARAD RRF, and Army watercraft. It is designed to aid stow planners, emergency operations center personnel, joint planners and analysts, marine cargo specialists, or anyone involved with the planning and implementation of shiploading and stowage operations. It contains detailed information on each vessel to include call signs, layberth locations, vessel specs, side profiles and deck arrangements. |
PAM 700-6 (2002) Hardcopy | LMSR Users' Manual |
| 700-6 Large, Medium Speed, Roll-On/Roll-Off Ships Users’ Manual provides detailed data on each of the four large, medium speed, roll-on/roll-off (LMSR) ship classes. It includes information on the capabilities, characteristics, configurations, material handling equipment, ship’s gear, and loading considerations for each class. It is designed to aid marine cargo specialists, vessel stowplanners, joint planners and analysts, reserve units, port operations personnel, and anyone involved with the planning and implementation of loading and stowing cargo on these vessels. |
PAM 700-7 (2005) Hardcopy | Fast Sealift Ship Users' Manual |
| This pamphlet provides a consolidated source of information about the Military Sealift Command's (MSC) eight Fast Sealift Ships (FSS). It is designed to aid marine cargo specialists, vessel stow planners, joint planners and analysts, reserve units, port operations personnel, and anyone involved with the planning and implementation of loading and stowing cargo on these vessels. This pamphlet provides detailed descriptions of the ship's capabilities, configurations, and cargo gear. It explains the unique factors of the FSS that should be considered during the planning phases of a cargo operation. It describes port facilities required to accommodate the ship and recommends specific types of cargo to stow in certain areas of the vessel. |
TEA Agency CD
| .PDF versions of all pamphlets listed above |
| The Agency CD contains pamphlets 55-19 to 700-6 as well as the TB-55-46. |
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