Instructions Text

Parking Area Calculator

This module calculates the number of parking spaces based on length and width inputs, using the parking lot dimension information shown in theParking Layout Dimensions Calculator. To use, enter the length and width of the area in the input fields. Note that the length should be the greater number since parking aisles should be aligned with the longer side of a parking lot. If it is not input this way, the calculator will rearrange them.

The Number of Rows Available is based on enough width to provide one access aisle with parking on either side. The aisle is one-way, except for 90-degree parking where the aisle would be two-way.

The Number of Spaces Available is based on the length, and considers the effect of the parking angle on the number of spaces per row.

The Number of Accessible Spaces Required is based on ADA/ABA requirements. Note that the calculator uses requirements for most uses. Medical facilities require more accessible spaces, which is not calculated.

The Number of Van Accessible Handicapped Spaces is based on one in six of the traditional Accessible Spaces. Note that the van accessible spaces is included in the number of accessible spaces, and is not in addition.

Note that this calculator considers access aisles, but does not consider any offsets between a roadway adjacent to the site and parking spaces, nor does it consider islands for landscaping, lighting, drainage, or other purposes.  Also, consider force protection offset requirements from buildings in deciding the available area.  The calculator only considers rectangular areas. Trapezoidal or other types of areas cannot be calculated this way.


Parking Layout Dimensions Calculator

This module lists and displays dimensions for surface parking lots with common stall orientation angles. Use the pulldown menu to select a chart that corresponds to three different vehicle types: Average Vehicle, Compact Car, and Motorcycle.

The chart and table displays the information needed to design a parking lot for various parking angles. There is no actual calculation associated with this module; it is a display of the geometric information.