Signs And Markings References


American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (commonly known as the "Green Book"). Washington, DC. 2018, 7th Edition.

Harmelink, M.D. "Volume Warrants for Left-Turn Storage Lanes at Unsignalized Grade Intersections." Aspects of Traffic Control Devices. Highway Research Record No. 211. Highway Research Board. Washington, DC. 1967.

Highway Capacity Manual. Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC. 2010.

Institute of Transportation Engineers. Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach. 2010.

Institute of Transportation Engineers. Design and Safety of Pedestrian Facilities. 1998.

Institute of Transportation Engineers. Traffic Engineering Handbook, 7th Edition. 2016.

McShane, William R. and Roess Roger P. Traffic Engineering. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliff, New Jersey. 1990.

Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Transportation Engineering AgencySDDCTEA Pamphlet 55-8: Traffic Engineering Study Reference. Washington, DC. 2016.

Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Transportation Engineering AgencySDDCTEA Pamphlet 55-10. Traffic Engineering for Better Roads. Washington, DC. 1978.

Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Transportation Engineering AgencySDDCTEA Pamphlet 55-17. Better Military Traffic Engineering. Washington, DC. 2016.

US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Standard Alphabets for Highway Signs and Pavement Markings. Washington, DC. 1977. Reprinted 1982.

US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Standard Highway Signs, and 2012 Supplement. US Government Printing Office. Washington, DC. 2004 and 2011.

US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control DevicesWashington, DC. 2009 Edition including Revision 1 and Revision 2, dated May 2012.

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