Traffic Control Need Calculator

 Traffic Control Need Calculator

Good Sight Distance
Major Street Minor Street
24 Hour Traffic Volume
(Total of Both Directions)
Peak Hour Traffic Volume
(Highest Hour, Both Approaches Combined)
Average Hourly Traffic Volume
The Average Hourly Traffic Volume is based on the Highest 8 Hour Count. Counts are to be taken on the lanes approaching the intersection.
(Total of Both Directions)
Average Hourly Traffic Volume
Based on an 8 Hour Count, these count times must coincide with the same 8 hour Major Street Count Times. Volumes should include Vehicles, Bikes and Pedestrians. Counts are to be taken on the lanes approaching the intersection.
(Total of Both Directions)
Crashes Per Year
Crashes Per 2 Years
85th Percentile Speed

This calculator is the primary step in determining the type of intersection control,
but is only one element in an engineering study. See instructions for additional guidance.

Source: Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Transportation Engineering Agency. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Washington, DC. 2009 Edition including Revision 1 and Revision 2, dated May 2012.

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Instructions Text
expand Instructions : Traffic Control Need Calculator ‎(1)

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